I'm Still Alive

New Site update.

Welp, the uglyness is gone.I couldn’t figure out how I wanted the site to look, so I adapted an existing template from HTML5 UP. Go check em out, lot of minimalist designs to take inspiration from.

Currently, I’m reevaluating my goals. Given that no company is immune to layoffs, it’s difficult to just stand idly by and hope I don’t get hit with it. It’s scary stuff.

So, I guess in time to reflect on New Years revolutions. I actually want to give the small hobbies I do a bigger chance. So, I’m going to make an effort to actually learn things that apply to some of my long term goals. Speaking of which, I am also going to decide exactly what I want to do long term. It’s kind of been this floating feeling for a bit. But I think I need to make things more certain. This time I won’t promise more updates on the blog. I’m still fixing it up, but it’s a lot more to my liking this time. And hopefully github io is good with the new paginator update. Gonna be real sad if that doesn’t work out.

Anyways, I have a generic stock photo set up for posts at the moment, but eventually I’ll have a default image more relatable to me! Thanks for reading.